The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Scots Pine (Year 6)


Welcome to the Scots Pine class

The final year at Royal Kent School is action-packed and full of lots of exciting opportunities. The year begins with voting in the House and Sports Captains. This helps to teach the children about democracy and leadership. The eight children who are chosen will represent their house and school in a variety of ways including giving visitors tours of the school and leading Sports Day.

One of the real Highlights of Year 6 is the residential trip to Hindleap Warren, an outdoor activities centre in West Sussex. Activities at Hindleap Warren include scaling the climbing tower, shooting a bull’s eye during archery and perhaps most fondly remembered, crawling through the mud during ‘Forest Adventure.’

Life in Scots Pine Class heavily focuses on preparation for secondary school and aims to develop more independent learning skills as well as self-discipline and motivation. Children are asked to complete daily homework tasks, which support them to organise their time and workload. This is also the year where children will have their first experience of more formal testing when they complete the SATs tests in May. Children are well supported to prepare for these and take them in their stride during the assessment week in May.

Towards the end of the year, the children in year 6 will spend a lot of time reflecting on their time at Royal Kent School and looking to the future. They will attend a special service for Year 6 children at Guildford Cathedral and also take part in the eagerly awaited end of year production, where children will be able to sign, dance, act, design props and operate lighting and sound.

The children will say goodbye on the last day with an assembly and as a parents vs children rounders match. They will leave RKS with fond memories, which will last a lifetime.

  Other useful documents:

Useful websites for Y6:

BBC Bitesize Year 6 Maths

BBC Bitesize Year 6 English

Primary Homework Help

Link to previous SATs papers (please only use 2022 or earlier) 

SATs revision help

CGP Ten Minute Tests