Welcome to the Oak Class
Oak (Year 4)
The children in Year 4 are have a really exciting year ahead of them. One of the highlights of the year is the residential trip to Juniper Hall in the summer term. This will involve two nights away with their school friends working on skills such as map reading, animal identification and learning how to look after our environment. It is an amazing opportunity for children to develop independence and self –care skills as well as gaining knowledge linked to the geography and science curriculum in a hands-on way.
The children will continue working with specialist teachers for French and music and will take part in a French day, where they will try food and practise their spoken French as part of a class enquiry on France and Europe. Other exciting curriculum experiences include trips to a mosque, Hampton Court Palace, the River Mole and a workshop about Victorian schools.
In year 4, learning is beginning to move towards using more formal methods of working. The children will being to learn standard methods for maths calculations and will continue to work on their extended writing. Reading comprehension is also a significant focus for children in Year 4 as they are now competent and confident readers.
Please click below for the latest spelling list for Year 3 and 4 (these can also be found in the back of the school diaries):
Medium term plan year 4 spellings
Remember: Times tables need to be learnt up to 12x by the end of the year
Useful websites for Y4:
BBC Bitesize , Woodlands Resources , Maths dictionary, Maths resources, Writing resources
BBC bitesize - reading, BBC bitesize - spag, BBC bitesize - writing, Literacy resources - crickweb
Dictionary and thesaurus activities, Maths resources - crickweb, Maths games - topmarks
Five a day maths, Corbett maths