The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Butterflies (Year 2)

Welcome to the Butterflies class!

In Year 2, children experience a move towards  a more structured way of  learning, with an increased focus on time spent at their tables, allowing them to build essential skills and independence. As the eldest pupils in the Key Stage 1 (KS1) phase, they take on greater responsibilities, becoming role models for the younger children. One of their most exciting roles is leading the KS1 nativity play in the autumn term, where they shine as the stars of the performance. This year is a pivotal one, helping to develop their academic abilities and preparing them for the independence required for KS2, while building on their confidence as the eldest of this phase of the school.

Useful website links: 

BBC Bitesize

 ICT Games 

Topic Box

Audio Stories 


Times Table RockStars

Phonics resources:

Other useful documents: