The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Houses at RKS


All children at RKS are allocated into one of four Houses (Kent, Gloucester, Norfolk and York) from the spring term of Reception onwards. 

Every September the KS2 children in each House select four Captains: a House Captain and Vice Captain, as well as a Sports Captain and Vice Sports Captain. These leaders help to organise different events throughout the year, foster positive relationships within their House, as well as carry out important tasks such as touring prospective parents with Senior Leaders as part of Open Mornings. 

Throughout the year, children can earn House points when their excellent behaviour or effort is recognised, and each half term, the Year 6 House Captains collate the House points from the whole school and announce the totals in our celebration assembly.

Generally, children will remain in their allocated House for their time at RKS, however we sometimes need to make changes as the children move through the school to ensure that numbers stay equal. We do not try to place siblings in the same House as each other, for logistical reasons!

Throughout the year we have 'Inter House' sporting competitions, where different Houses compete against each other. The House highlight of the year is the annual Sports Day, where children wear their House colours and their sporting efforts earn points for their House!


House Captains 2024-2025