The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

Wrap around care 


External providers work with the school to ensure that wrap around care is available from 7.20am until 6pm, for all pupils from Reception to Year 6. Nursery children are not able to join in with our extended school provision.


Before School (from 7.20am)

We have a daily pre-school sports club run by The Chelsea Foundation from 7.20 am to 8.40 am. From the autumn term 2024, this will not run on Fridays. The Chelsea Foundation also run after school sports clubs - see the weekly newsletter to see this term's activities and timings.

Click here for the Chelsea Foundation website to register and book sessions. 


After School (from 3.15pm until 6pm) 

The Royal Kent School's daily after-school club is run by Clubland Playscheme Ltd from 3.15 - 5.45 pm (for collection by 6 pm). Clubland offer a wide range of activities - more details from the school office or by contacting Karen Fitzwater:

Email:  Tel:     02089793100

Click here for the Clubland website


Curriculum clubs


The Royal Kent PTA Swimming School

The Royal Kent School's PTA runs a swimming school which is held at Parkside School on Tuesday afternoons. The classes are open to children from Reception upwards, and abilities from beginners to children who compete in the Surrey Schools' Gala. The club has been running for many years and is a fantastic fun way for your child/children to learn to swim with their school friends.

The cost of each class is £6.00, with all the profits going to the school PTA, which in return, benefits our children. The half –hourly lessons start at 4.30pm and finish at 6pm. All our teachers are Aquademy trained.

For more information, please contact the swimming team ( 

Surrey Arts music lessons

Surrey Arts provide individual piano tuition to a number of children each week in 20 minute lessons. Currently lessons take place on a Tuesday. If you would like to find out more, you can contact Surrey Arts directly to find out about costs and session availability. If there is no availability at the current time, you can place your child on the waiting list. 


Spring term clubs 2025 


Please scroll down for a list of the extra curricular clubs which are currently on offer at RKS. Further details about contacting the club providers to book a place for your child are given in the table.