The Royal Kent School

A Church of England Primary School

The Royal Kent School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0LE

01372 842495

School Uniform

Please make sure that all items of uniform are labelled with a child's first name and surname


Ladybird Nursery

Children in the Ladybird Nursery wear the school branded green polo shirt and branded sweatshirt as their only items of uniform. They can wear their own choice of  easy to manage items on their lower half.

Footwear should be covered and secure - no flip flops/ sandals/ crocs. Children's shoes should not have laces, unless they can untie and tie these independently. 


Reception to Year 6

Winter uniform (Autumn 2 and spring term) 


  • Y1 to Y6 pupils - White shirt (not branded) & school tie  
  • Reception pupils only - school branded green polo shirt, no tie
  • School branded V neck jumper with logo or school branded cardigan
  • Grey skirt/ pinafore/ trousers/ shorts (not branded)
  • Grey  or white socks (not branded) - socks should be at least ankle height and not 'trainer' socks
  • Grey or green tights (not branded)




Summer uniform (Summer term and autumn 1)


  • School branded green polo shirt, no tie
  • School branded V neck jumper with logo or school branded cardigan      
  • Green and white checked dress (not branded) 
  • Grey skirt/ pinafore/ trousers/ shorts (not branded)     
  • Grey or white socks (not branded) - socks should be at least ankle height and not 'trainer' socks     




Shoes:  Plain black shoes which are suitable for school (no high heels, boots, platforms, open toed), not trainers. Shoes should not have laces unless your child can untie and tie these independently.  The midsole of the shoe must be black (i.e. all visible parts of the sole around the sides of the shoe).       

Coats :  Smart coat (no denim/ leather/ inappropriate style) - a reversible fleece/ waterproof school branded jacket is available for purchase but not compulsory   

Please note: We do not have a separate uniform for boys and girls

P.E. Kit          

Reception and Key Stage 1

School branded white polo shirt

School branded green sweatshirt

Green shorts/ jogging bottoms/ leggings (not branded)


Key Stage 2 

School branded green and black sports polo shirt

School branded green hoodie

Black shorts*/ jogging bottoms/ leggings (not branded)

*Please note that if 'cycling' style shorts are being worn, they should be at least mid thigh length and no shorter than this.


All year groups

Grey or white socks (ankle length or 'trainer' socks, not branded)                                                                                                                                  

Suitable trainers (trainers should not have laces unless your child can untie and tie these independently)                                                                                     

Additional Equipment

School branded book bag (for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)                        

In Key Stage 2 children are asked to bring in their own pencil case, which should include a blue or black ink Berol handwriting pen or Fountain pen (a detailed list of pencil case requirements is sent out each year or available from the Office at any time)

Rucksack (school branded bags are available) from Year 3 upwards                         

Sun hat - ideally these will be wide brimmed to protect the face and neck from the sun

Waterproof coat


Items to note:

  • The correct uniform must be worn at all times. Any variation, e.g. footwear, must be accompanied by explanation from the parent.
  • All items of school uniform must be clearly and permanently named.
  • Earrings: Are allowed, but only one pair of small, plain studs in the ear lobes. If students wish to have their ears pierced, this should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays, as earrings have to be removed for PE and cannot be covered. No other jewellery is permitted, except watches. We would prefer that children do not wear earrings to school on PE days.
  • Watches: Children should not wear any watch to school which has notifications or tech enabled. This includes smart watches to school and devices such as FitBits. Children should not wear any watches/ devices which can take a picture or make a sound recording. Watches of very high value (including Apple watches and others) should also not be worn to school.
  • Hair: Hairstyles should be appropriate for school. Children should not wear hair gel to create extreme styles. Shoulder length or longer hair should be simply tied up using a plain band and long fringes should be clipped back when children are working. If hair can be tied back, it should be. Any hair accessories (i.e. clips or bands to help style hair) should be of an appropriate design and discreet. 
  • Nail varnish is not permitted.
  • Representing the school in sport: The school has sports kits for those representing the school in some sports or athletics, which children may be given to wear. These should be washed after use and returned to school. For children in KS2 taking part in the swim gala, there are black swimming costumes and green swim squad hats held by the swimming club for children to wear. Parents who would prefer to provide their own swimming costume, can do so but should ensure this is black.

Uniform stockist

A full range of school uniform is available from our official stockist:

Kit-Shop Ltd, 232 Cobham Road, Fetcham, Surrey  KT22 9JQ 01372 378303


You can find their website by clicking here

Second hand uniform

We really encourage parents to support our second hand uniform sales, which are kindly organised by a team of parents and happen termly. This is a fantastic way to reuse clothing and save money.            

Mufti days

On non uniform days (mufti days), although children do not wear uniform, we continue to expect that the principles outlined described above are adhered to.

For example, children are not permitted to wear jewellery, hair must be tied back, and clothing must be appropriate, with covered footwear.