Chestnut (Year 3)
Welcome to the Chestnut class!
Year 3 is the beginning of KS2 and the children are always very excited to move to their new classroom upstairs. As the children are now in KS2, they will now be expected to be more independent and at some point, in the year, will be able to bring in their own pencil cases. The children will spend part of the year working towards writing in pen, rather than pencil; handwriting is a significant focus for Year 3. The children will now spend more time learning at their tables, rather than the carpet, especially during teacher input time.
Year 3 enjoy learning about the ancient world, including the stone age, Ancient Egypt and the Romans. To enrich their learning, Year 3 will have the opportunity to visit Butser Ancient Farm and Haslemere Museum. They will also experience various workshops to learn more about rocks and the Romans.
Over the course of the year, the children will develop their mathematical skills so that they are ready to learn more formal methods for calculations, for example column additions and subtraction will be begum to be taught. The children will also learn new grammar conventions to further develop their writing such as how to use paragraphs and punctuate dialogue. Daily phonics will also continue for Year 3 until the end of Autumn term, where they will have the opportunity to revise phase 6.
Most children in year 3 will now be ‘Free Reader,’ this means that children will have a greater ownership over what they read; however, it is important to continue to develop their breath of reading.
BBC Bitesize, ICT Games, Topic Box, Audio Stories, Topmarks, Mathletics, Grammar Tips, BBC History WW2, Time for Kids - Around the World, Ancient Egypt, Stone Age - Time Traveller Kids, Stone Age DK Find Out, MyMaths Mastery for Maths,